Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Trip Wrap Up

Apologies for the infrequent blog updates while in Uganda...the dial-up internet was prohibitive to say the least.

Overall, I had an amazing time in Mbarara. We forged lasting friendships with some of the nurses and midwives, exchanged information about differences in practice here and there, and learned how to manage labor and delivery patients in a completely different environment. Both Kari and I are thankful for the opportunities to travel, expand our skill set/knowledge and meet interesting people along the way. In addition to all that we took away from the experience, I really hope that we in turn, contributed to the goal of improving care for the women of Mbarara.

I finally posted my pics from the trip:

Thanks again for everyone's support of this trip and larger cause!

I'll continue to update with future Medicine for Humanity/UCLA/Mbarara combined projects involving the UCLA nurses.
